With guidance from the WCOG Transportation Policy Board (WTPB) and Transportation Technical Advisory Group (TTAG), WCOG staff facilitates a competitive selection process to award annually allocated program funds for Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) and Transportation Alternatives (TA) programs currently legislated under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also referred to as Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The process is conducted biennially as a “call for projects” to help finance qualifying projects that advance regional goals outlined in the regional transportation plan, currently Way to Go, Whatcom, and policies in accordance with WCOG regional planning. Qualifying projects are scored and prioritized by TTAG members through a qualitative and quantitative application process. Final project prioritization and federal funding awards are determined by the Whatcom Transportation Policy Board.
Project funding proposal forms available by March 1
Proposals due to WCOG May 9
TTAG presentations May 22
Preliminary scores due June 18
TTAG meeting – Q&A and finalize TTAG scoring June 26
Policy Board finalization of project selection July 9
The Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program is the region’s most flexible federal funding source that can apply to broad range of transportation investments.
FHWA (BIL) Fact Sheet – eligible activities
Transportation Alternatives (TA), also known as a “set-aside” of the STBG program, focuses on non-motorized projects, safe routes to school (SRTS) programs, enhancements and other smaller scale investments.