Figure 2: Regional, State, and National Transportation Goals
Figure 3: Base Year and Forecasted Households and Employment, 2013-2045
Figure 5: Projected Whatcom Region Household Growth by TAZ, 2013-2040
Figure 6: Projected Whatcom Region Employment Growth by TAZ, 2013-2040
Figure 12: Volume-Over-Capacity Ratios and Average Daily Traffic
Figure 13: 2045 No-build Volume-Over-Capacity Ratios and Average Daily Traffic
Figure 14: 2045 Build Volume-Over-Capacity Ratios and Average Daily Traffic
Figure 15: Walking and Biking Trips for 2019 and 2045 Scenario
Figure 19: Federal Highway and Transit Allocations to the Whatcom Region (in the 000s)
Figure 21: County and Cities’ Historical Revenues and Expenditures