Traffic Counts

Download the full WCOG Traffic Counts Archive (.xlsx)

The Whatcom Council of Governments has assembled hourly and daily traffic count data collected in the Whatcom County region by various jurisdictions and agencies and archived them in a publicly available database. The traffic count archive does not contain all counts collected in the region, however it is updated as new data is received by WCOG staff. If you have traffic count data collected in Whatcom County and Cities and would like to add to this archive, please email Jaymes McClain, AICP Senior Planner.

The Traffic Counts Finder dashboard is a tool for quickly identifying locations of traffic counts around the Whatcom County region for which WCOG currently has data. Use the filters on the right to narrow search results or simply peruse the map count locations in red. Hover over the “Hover for Guide” box for a pop-up detailing how to use the dashboard.

To view traffic count locations in conjunction with other map layers, visit WCOG’s Interactive Map.

There are several traffic count types included in the WCOG Traffic Counts Archive: ADT, AADT, 24-hour.

Records described as ADT, or Average Daily Traffic, are representative of the traffic volumes observed in the month or season they were collected.

Records described as AADT, or Annual Average Daily Traffic, have been adjusted to better represent the traffic volumes that would be observed on any given day in the year they were collected. The adjustments are based on:

  • The Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) seasonal factor for midweek counts (for more info, see Appendix Four of the WSDOT Short Count Factoring Guide)

  • WCOG’s own U.S.-Canada border seasonal factor groups derived from monthly traffic data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Records described as 24-hour counts are single-day, unadjusted counts.

See the Notes sheet of the WCOG Traffic Counts Archive spreadsheet for more information about traffic count adjustments and other details.

For further inquiries contact Jaymes McClain, AICP Senior Planner at or (360) 685-8391.