Scenic Byways Plan

Whatcom's Scenic Byways

Based on requirements set by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) National Scenic Byways (NSB) program, Washington State also recognizes and formally designates scenic byways – roadways, which because of their scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, archeological, and/or natural qualities – are destinations unto themselves.

WCOG has completed Corridor Management Plans (CMP) for the two scenic byways in Whatcom County: Mt. Baker Highway (SR 542) and Chuckanut Drive (SR11).

2024 Update

With support from Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism (BWCT), WCOG is updating the SR 542 and SR 11 Corridor Management Plans.

To update these plans we will review and analyze:

  • Current traffic data (all modes as able)

  • Status and possible additions to lists of the corridors’ intrinsic qualities

  • Transportation infrastructure and operations changes

  • Roadway safety and crash trends

  • Implications for the corridors of pertinent local and tribal governments’ transportation and land use plans

  • Information gathered from the above will be used to update the plans’ strategies for:

  • Maintaining and enhancing intrinsic qualities

  • Supporting commerce and destination marketing

  • Identifying needs for signage and interpretive resources

Public Input Wanted

In addition to input from the the regional stakeholders who own and manage these roadways and adjacent public lands, the plans also need input from interested individuals, community-based organizations, user groups, and businesses.

  • How can the existing plans be improved?

  • What are the most prized features of the places linked by these corridors?

  • What prized features need protection or enhancement?

  • What changes in the last 20 years have been beneficial?

  • What investments are needed to improve the experiences of our region’s residents, of visitors to these places, and of businesses?

  • Are there barriers to accessing destinations along the corridor(s)?

  • Are transportation and/or visitor services missing?

How to submit input:

  1. Read the existing SR11 and/or SR542 plans

  2. Complete a short survey on what Mt. Baker Highway and Chuckanut Drive mean to you: SR 542 & SR 11 Survey

  3. You have an option to sign up for email alerts regarding the plan to follow-up on this effort. You may also contact Hugh Conroy, WCOG Director, for more information or to comment by email or by phone at (360) 685-8384.