2021 Whatcom Freight Survey

WCOG Freight Survey Postcard

We’re planning for freight.

Take The Survey - English

WCOG, the federal and state-designated transportation planning organization of our region’s local governments and transportation agencies, will be adopting an updated long-range (20-year) transportation plan in 2022. As part of our region’s transportation strategy, the 20-year plan will specifically discuss freight – how we ensure the necessary movement of goods and services.

Freight planning begins with your business

Whether you operate a large or small businesses, a not-for-profit organization, a health care or educational institution, a public utility, etc. etc. – there are so many day-to-day transactions and economic activities that rely on the predictable movement of large and small goods and materials, equipment, and waste. A lot has changed since the last regional transportation plan update in 2017. Societal context, environmental conditions, a global pandemic, financial and economic uncertainties, and continuous technological evolution have all influenced the priorities and concerns we have today. To best understand what our region’s freight-dependent entities need from the transportation system we need to hear from you.

Please help our elected representatives prioritize freight transportation investments for our growing region.

Help us by taking the survey and then sharing it with regional business partners — by email or via your favorite social media platform.

Take The Survey - English

For questions, please contact:

Hugh Conroy
Director of Planning
(360) 685-8384