The travel demand model is an analytical tool used for regional transportation planning. WCOG deploys the conventional four-step trips-based travel demand model process comprised of trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice and route assignment.
The model is used to develop “scenarios” that incorporates a proposed change to the transportation network and/or land use and analyzes the impact of that change in vehicle miles traveled, vehicle hours of travel, origin-destination analyses, traffic volumes and travel times. Additionally, model data are typically applied to further analytical tools such as microsimulation, activities-based modelling, environmental and air quality simulations.
The current travel demand model analyses for WCOG’s current long-range transportation plan can be viewed in Way to Go, Whatcom.
Modelling Service Request
To request model services or for access to use WCOG’s model data, please complete and submit the Model Request Form.
WCOG currently deploys the travel demand model through Caliper Corporation.
For further on the WCOG Regional Travel Demand Model information, please contact the following at WCOG, (360) 676-6974:
Jaymes McClain, Senior Planner: